Mc Donald Engineering is a leading provider of high quality Agricultural buildings. We specialise in the design and construction of all types of Agricultural buildings. Our buildings can be built to incorporate insulated panelling in the walls and roof to provide excellent insulation inside the buildings.
Industrial / Domestic
Our industrial buildings are manufactured from a string and robust high grade steel that gives the customer maximum return on their investment, this ensures that their commercial building is extremely strong, durable and is guaranteed to meet and exceed current building regulations.
Steel Balconies made to measure, Internal steel stairs, external fire escapes and emergency steel exit doors are amongst some of the many steel based infrastructures carried out by McDonald Engineering on a regular basis. Gates and railings are made to customer specifications.
How well do you rate your home?
South East Building Rating Consultants (SEBERC) provides quality assured Building Energy Rating (BER) & Air Pressurisation Certificates. We are qualified Civil, Construction ad Structural engineers who have completed the required training as outlined in EU Laws.
A Building Energy Rating is a label very similar to the efficiency ratings given to fridges, freezers, and washing machines. The label indicates the energy rating of property. The rating is expressed in the form of decreasing performance levels, ‘A’ being the most energy efficient to ‘G’ being the least efficient.
South East BER is a subsidiary of Peter J McDonald Engineering Ltd.
building surveying
Planning permissions from the Local Planning Authority is required for all farm buildings with the exception of some farm developments up to 300m2. Other small extensions at rear of dwellings may also be excempted. Always seek advice before commencing site works.